Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I need to make a change.

That's the bottom line. I need to make a change. I love where I am in life except for a few key things. I need to take charge and make positive changes towards the following things:

1. My weight. My BMI has now reached the obese point. Not acceptable.

2. Smoking. I've quit too many times to count but it never sticks.

3. Eat healthier. I eat crap. Fried crap. Processed crap. Too much crap.

4. My diabetes. I'm a Type 1 Diabetic. My sugars are in the greatest control of my life but there's always room for improvement.

So, there it is. Out in the world. The things I need to change. I need to change all 4 of these aspects of my life in order to start a family. Let's get started.